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Welcome to ABIS

Aboriginal Business, Industry & Service (ABIS) Supermarkets are managed by CEQ in six remote Aboriginal communities. ABIS is committed to providing fresh, healthy food and groceries at the absolute best price possible.

We’re proud to have community supermarkets in Wujal Wujal, Lockhart River, Kowanyama, Pormpuraaw, Doomadgee and Palm Island. As with our IBIS sister stores, ABIS stores stock (but not limited to) fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and groceries, as well as whitegoods and electrical appliances, housewares, furniture, clothing, power cards, fuel and gas.

During the wet season some of our stores become inaccessible by road due to flooding. To keep communities well supplied, we use air freight to fly supplies into our Doomadgee, Pormpuraaw and Kowanyama stores.

Focus on Fresh

Sourcing the highest quality fruit & vegetables, meat & dairy.


ABIS (as part of CEQ) is a not-for-profit, self-sustaining entity focused on re-investing into communities.

Local Employment

ABIS is a significant Indigenous employer, with 79% of our ABIS store staff and managers identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Partnering with Community

ABIS (as part of CEQ) is an active supporter of community events.